Thursday, March 12, 2015

test marc

Monday, March 2, 2015

Passé composé...parce que...imparfait

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Charlie Hebdo

Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m sure you’ve heard about the crisis that’s happened here in Paris. I want you to know that I’m okay, and you shouldn’t worry. But I’m afraid. Everyone is. It’s like, I can’t sleep at night because I’m afraid that another attack is going to happen and more people will die- and maybe that I’ll get hurt too. I wish that I were at home with you- I know that if I were, we would have a discussion about this whole thing. We’d have some interesting debate at the dinner table, probably over homemade chili or that sausage pasta I always loved. Michael would get bored and try and leave, but you would force him to stay. I’d get all heated and you’d tell me to calm down, Georgia, just because we disagree with you doesn’t mean you get to be sassy but I wouldn’t listen. I loved those discussions. I miss them. You’d be proud, though- my friends and I have all been talking about the attack. We all agree that this whole situation is a mess. But most of my friends think that the journalists had the right to publish the inflammatory image. They think that freedom of speech protected them, and that the extremists are completely to blame, and that this attack came out of nowhere. I disagree, partly. I think that while the slaughter of twelve people is by NO MEANS an accurate reaction to an offensive comic- it’s disgusting and blown out of proportion- I also don’t think that it was fair for the image to be published in the first place. Freedom of speech means that you are able to express yourself without being limited by the government, but just because you can do something without getting in trouble with the law, doesn’t mean you should. I think that it was very offensive, and out of the realm of acceptable satire. The actions of the extremists were completely out of proportion, but the people at Charlie Hebdo also were out of line. I hope you’re all safe and doing well. Love you and miss you all!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Quand Fifi était pétite...